Title: Chinese introduction of the Chinese zodiac and printable pictures The zodiac is a unique part of traditional Chinese culture and has been widely used in daily life and various traditional art forms since ancient timesgame ban trung mien phi. Each person's birth year corresponds to one of these twelve zodiac signs and is believed to be indicative of an individual's character and destiny. The following is a Chinese introduction to the Chinese zodiac signs and the corresponding pictures for you to print and collect. 一、鼠 (Shǔ) As the head of the zodiac, the Rat represents intelligence, wit, and flexibilitykwang. People born in the Year of the Rat are often considered to be quick-witted, business-minded, and have leadership skills. Click on the print image, and a lively and cute mouse image jumps on the page. 2kyung. 牛 (Niú) The ox is a symbol of hard work, patience, and tenacity. People born in the Year of the Ox are usually resilient and hardworking. The image of the cow in the picture shows a symbol of strength and inspires people. 三best hearts game android. 虎 (Hǔ) The tiger is a symbol of courage and mighttu dien lac viet mien phi. People born in the Year of the Tiger have a brave personality and love adventuresdanh bai truc tiep. The majestic image of the tiger is displayed on paper, which is daunting. 4. Rabbit (Tù) The rabbit is a symbol of meekness and intelligence. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are usually mild-mannered and kind-hearted. The cute rabbit image is loved by people, and it is also very suitable to print it as a decoration. 5. Dragon (Lóng)game bai phom The dragon is a mythical animal in Chinese culture, symbolizing auspiciousness, authority, and mystery. People born in the Year of the Dragon are usually confident and conceitedbai target. The mighty image of the dragon shows endless charm on paper. 6. Snake (Shé)hu bai The snake is a symbol of wisdom, mystery, and calmnessbai mi. People born in the Year of the Snake are usually thoughtful and wise. The elegant image of the snake is displayed on paper, which is thought-provoking. 7. 馬 (Mǎ) The horse is a symbol of enthusiasm, unrestrainedness, and energybai ba. People born in the Year of the Horse are usually cheerful and social. The galloping image of a horse shows infinite vitality on paper.bai online training catalog 8bai 12 pack. Sheep (Yáng) The sheep is a symbol of gentleness, kindness, and obedience. People born in the Year of the Goat are usually gentle and considerate of others. The docile image of the sheep is loved by people, and it is also very suitable to print it as a decoration.nina bai 9game choi bai. Monkey (Hóu) The monkey is a symbol of intelligence, wit, and flexibility. People born in the Year of the Monkey are usually intelligent and creative. The clever image of the monkey is displayed on paper, and it is unbearable. 10. Chicken (Jī) The chicken is a symbol of industriousness, diligence, and punctualityi o hearts. People born in the Year of the Rooster are usually hardworking, punctual and self-disciplined. The diligent image of the chicken gives people positive strength.bai five 11. Dog (Gǒu) The dog is a symbol of loyalty, bravery, and steadfastness. People born in the Year of the Dog are usually loyal and reliable, and strong-willed. The image of the dog's loyalty is displayed on paper, which is touching. 12. Pig (Zhū) The pig is a symbol of kindness, open-mindedness, and hard work. People born in the Year of the Pig are usually cheerful and kind-hearted. The cute image of the pig is deeply loved by people, and it is printed out to decorate the home, warm and cute. The 12 zodiac signs are an important part of traditional Chinese culture, and each zodiac sign has its own unique symbolic meaning and cultural connotation. The pictures of the zodiac animals introduced above can be printed out as decoration or as a good way to learn about Chinese culture. Hopefully, these pictures will help you better understand the Chinese zodiac culture.